What a full week its been! Where to begin? Hmm probably where I last left off.
Last Saturday was a great day. I had the day all to myself. So how did I start and plan my grand day? By getting up at 3:30 in the morning. I drove to kansas city and arrived at 4:30 a.m to the location of the HUGE Nell Hill sale. I claimed my spot in line with a lawn chair and magazine. So really why all the fuss to get up so early??? I am telling you guys, this is an
awesome sale!!! My type of style decor and furniture for garage sale prices. Thats why I got there so early. To get a good spot! I ended up making friends with 2 lovely ladies in front of me and we chatted for hours waiting for the big tent to open up and for us to run like mad woman to grab what we wanted before it was gone.
It was a crazy hour of shopping and creating a "stock pile" on the quilt I set on the parking lot. I managed to get a lot of good stuff. Each year never disappoints. :) Now I am having fun finding places in the home for all my treasures.
Part of my stock pile. half way through shopping! |
I spent a lovely afternoon on Saturday doing photography for a beautiful backyard wedding. Magical! And had a few hours afterwords to hit the mall and shop at some stores I had been wanting to go too. It was so nice to bop in and out and browse without anyone waiting on me. :) I found some great deals too!
Sunday was a great day of fellowship at church. An very encouraging sermon. We had a lovely sunday afternoon which included naps (i was pretty exhausted!)
Now to the exciting part! Daniel (my wonderful daniel!) got online and ordered me some super cool lights for my kitchen. So sunday he installed them!
Here is what they look like. They are led strip lights that are super lite and sticky on one side. Daniel wired in a dimmer switch and put them in my glass dish cabinet in the kitchen and below the cabinet to light my counter top.
Here is the result!.....
Here is the result!.....
I absolutely LOVE them! I can dim it and night and it gives the kitchen a soft glow. Or can have them bright when we are makin and bakin! :) My hubby is the best!
Monday I was excited! The kids and I had an open free day. So I thought we could all work on something fun! We decided on fixing up Adonia a play kitchen. I had been wanting to work on the project for a while. We had to rearrange their room in order to fit the kitchen/former dresser in. So we got creative with their space and found the perfect spot for their beds.
It was fun! Creed has a fun new star night light right above his bed (garage sale $1)
to pick out mini kitchen items for the project. I spent less than $10 and we loaded up on little silverware, cups, bowls, wisks, wash clothes, pitchers, plates, coffee pot and more.
Here is the finished result!
thing. So she came up and we spent the day together making all we could!
We hand stitched all of them and they came together well. Super fun and easy project. All you need is several colors of felt, thread, needle, and an old pillow to get stuffing from. Since the felt sticks nicely together you can easily cut out and stick on items. Like the tossed salad I made or the pizza, they can pull off the toppings and stick which ones they like on.
Bacon and Eggs
Pancakes topped with Bananas
Tea Bags
Fish and Salad
Chicken drumstick, peas and carrot
Spagetti and Meatballs
A bag of tortilla chips
In the midst of our busy week Creed has been doing awesome taking himself potty! So we got him his first pair of underwear. He was so excited!
My adorable and growing up Adonia went to the dentist this week and had a glowing report. She has been doing great keeping her teeth clean and making sure little brother does the same!
I just have to share another cool thrift store find this week. I am just so excited about it. I mean who wouldn't? Its a vintage yellow chair! The seat cover was torn, so I just covered it up. Couldn't resist buying it... especially with it only being $3!
My diet has been going relatively well. I have been doing a good job keeping up with staying away from things I shouldn't be eating (though that doesn't mean that the cravings are not there!) The only thing bothering me is that I have still been getting the inflamed joints which can sometimes be pretty discouraging. So I am praying that God would continue to heal me and that the inflammation would cease...pretty soon!. My natural doctor decided that I could go ahead and start eating fresh salads and raw veggies. This was SUPER exciting for me. A cold fresh salad was something I had regularly been craving. So thats been nice! I just keep looking towards the goal. Being fully healed and well. And I have full confindence God is going to provide that for me. All in His timing!
Hannah Winter
Funny quote this week:
So the previous night I had gone out to celebrate my sisters birthday with several friends and the kids were home with Daniel) So I was driving in the car the next morning....
Me: Adonia, How was your time with Daddy last night?
Adonia: Good! we had a lot of fun!
Me: Thats great! Mommy had a good time out too!
Adonia: You went on time out? Did you get in trouble again?
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